Monday, October 31, 2005
The helmet pattern has evolved substantially into a convertible cap. Can be worn with mask over or under the nose. On not-so-frigid days the mask can be stuffed into the hat and worn with the brim folded a little further down.
I've dubbed it the SKI-MET (Ski hat and helmet in one). It's basically a K2P2 ribbed watch cap knit with heavy worsted wool (slightly itchy). The mask was added by picking up stitches, 1 inch prior to the hat fold, for one row in the light green to match the hat. Then switching to a (non-itchy) Wool ease (sport) for the rest of the mask. Ribbed down for 1 inch and binded off for the face opening. Then on the next row, casted on the same number as bound off stitches and continued ribbing until it was long enough to cover the neck.
I noticed the seam between the ski cap and helmet would show and the brim would have to be manually folded each time it was worn. So I sewed the cap to the helmet about 1/4 inch below where the stitches were picked up. Now the SKI-MET has a nice fold at the brim.
Since a hat is worn tilted up above the brow as opposed to a helmet that is worn without tilting. You will notice the extra fabric gathering in the back of the neck. I'm going to leave the pattern this way since the neck will be kept warm when it is bent forward to roll all those snowballs. ;-)
Now I just have to weave in the ends and I'm done.
Name: SKI-MET (convertible ski hat and helmet mask)
Designer: BGK_PAL
Pattern Source: My own
Yarn: Color A: Unknown, possibly Reynolds Candide heavy worsted - Bright green tweed with muli color specks. Color B: Lion Brand - Wool Ease Sport-"Forest Heather" Green
Yarn Source: My Stash
Needle Size: US 8 with light green, US 7 with Forest Green
Date Completed: 10/31/05
Evolved from a helmet pattern
Pattern posted 5-2008
Friday, October 28, 2005
Recycling Fiber
I came across a handmade sweater that got shrunk/semi-felted in the wash. (Not by me).
I had played with the idea that it could be steeked (cut) in the middle and converted into a cardigan. Although I thought the underarm areas were probably too thick to be comfortable. And it lacked the drape to hug a body, belling out in spots so there would be cold air sweeping up underneath. I considered taking the sleeves off and knitting a flexible cable strip along the sleeve and shoulder seams. And adding ribbing to the bottom. But I didn't have any more of this yarn.
The yarn is likely a Wendy chunky yarn. The same heather pink odd ball yarnI used on my little one's poncho. I love the heather look of this yarn and I don't like felted sweaters. So I decided to unravel the sweater instead. It took a bit of elbow grease to undo and there were fiber bits flying around everywhere. But it's now 4-5 skeins of chunky yarn.
I swatched it on US #10 needles to see what it looks like. The yarn feels comfortable, not stiff and still retains its quality. It does have various bits of felt so it doesn't look smooth in stockinette stitch. A very home grown looking fabric. I also tried it in garter stitch and I'm amazed at how much of the felt blends in so it's a good looking fabric. So I'm inspired to use this yarn with EZ's surprise baby sweater.
KBS progress
My Kerry Blue Shawl (KBS) is turning out nicely. As mentioned, I'm on the shell stitch. I think it should be much easier now since I frogged it and fixed any erroneously shifted stitches. It's now easy to see any missteps in the knitting.

Yarn Swap Update
Just wanted to drop off a quick note that I received my sock scrap yarn package yesterday. I'll edit this entry later tonight when I get a chance to take a pic and post.
Edit: Here is a pic of sock yarn I received. And take a look at the lip balm she made herself. How cool!. Thanks again Lisa.

Thursday, October 27, 2005
Socktoberfest Progress
Finally have a moment to post some pics.
Mosaic Socks started for the 6Sox knit-along. I've already checked both Regia skeins to make sure the patterning will start at the same spot.

And here is my progress on the Amble socks. The pattern is a bit muddied by the wool fibers (Would be more defined with cotton). But I think it will block out nicely once I finish.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Mask Progress
I've only got one large skein of the tweed yarn. And I'm not sure if there is enough. Wouldn't it look silly if I had to switch yarns at the top of the ski mask? I can just imagine him rejecting it 'cause it didn't match on top. So I converted the pattern to knit from top down. I started on Monday and have knitted enough to cover his short hair. He tried it on and it fits.
It's turning out very nicely. He did make a comment that ithe yarn has flecks of red. But then again it has a rainbow of flecks so it still meets with his approval. Whew.
Over the weekend I tried to run this heavy worsted yarn on my knitting machine. But it popped out of the standard gauge knitting machine. Which is not meant to use such thick yarns. Oh well.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Son's Pullover
My son is outgrowing his sweaters. So I thought it was a good time to practice on the knitting machine. I worked up most of the front and back panels. Except for the neck shaping. I'd like to do that by hand. And most of one sleeve. I'll also shape the cap of the sleeve by hand.

I'm going to add a motif to it. I could have done this as an intarsia project. But I don't have the leisure of long stretches of knit time right now. A portable project has a better chance of getting finished. Besides, a duplicate stitched design with a bit of added thickness is nice too.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Sock Scrap Yarn Swap
I thought it would be neat to join in the yarn swap. I've already sent out my package today.
I'll post a pic of the contents as soon as my recipient gets the package. Why spoil the surprise. I did have a tiny swatch bit of the sock pal yarn left so I threw that in the package.
In the meantime I also took a picture of my sock yarn stash and will post it soon. It's been growing bit by bit since I started with socks a few months ago. I think I've got enough sock yarn for 8 pairs. So I'll try not to accumulate any more for now.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Winter Ski Mask
The weather is getting chilly. My son has a warm winter jacket that lacks a hat. So my projects are temporarily on hold while I make one for him.
I thought a helmet/ski mask/balaclava would be perfect to keep his head and face warm. Especially during snow days. I'm using this easy pattern .
He picked out a bright tweed yarn.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
I needed a little boost to continue my sock knitting. So I've signed up with Lolly's Socktoberfest . I'm going to swatch up with the new sock yarn from my secret pal.
So I'll have several projects going again.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Lace Progress
My hands started to tire quickly when knitting the 'Amble' socks. So I took a break from them for a little while to work on my Kerry lace Blue Shawl.
I knitted up 2 inches and am on row 105. The shell stitch section. It's coming out beautifully. I've had to correct lots of spots where I messed up the lace pattern or somehow dropped a YO. Even frogged back four rows when I realized I forgot three rows of plain knit. That's what happens when I put down a project for such a long time. So glad this yarn is very forgiving.
And following the suggestion of finishing a row before stopping to take a break is not realistic. With over 400 stitches on each row, the odds are against me.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Mystery Yarn - A Review
Okay. So here are the specs for the mystery yarn I purchased. The total weight of the package was 20 pounds (including cones and box). There are 14 different yarns.
I've listed my findings below. Half of them I had to do the burn test to guess the yarn content.
I'm not sure what I should knit with the cotton/hemp yarn. I did come across a blogger who mentioned using that type of yarn for a lace shawl. And I guess it can be used for a tote. I'm not sure how soft hemp can as fabric against the skin.
Any suggestions what kind of projects to do with all this yarn?
I think I still got a deal even though I didn't get to choose. Each cone would easily retail for $3-$6 or more. They all look and feel like decent yarns. I'd probably have to work with them to see how they hold up on the knitting machine and the wash. Only the green one feels a bit rough like rug yarn. I'm not sure if this is because of the sizing (starch coating). The rest are moderately soft (wool/wool blends) to soft (acrylic blends). I think it took a couple of weeks to deliver.

Listed by Yarn content - Thickness or yardage -
Company - Color - Weight with cone
1. 100% Acrylicl - 4/9 wt - (4-ply worsted) -
Wintuck - Xmas Green -- approx. 1.5 lb
2. 100% cotton - fingering weight -
?unknown - royal blue -- approx 1 lb
3. Acrylic/Linen/Rayon - 1700yds/lb -
Yarn Country- Sky Blue - - approx 1 lb
4. Acrylic/Rayon? - fine -
?unknown - sky blue/white - - approx 1 lb
5. Cotton/Hemp - fine -
?unknown - pastel yellow - - approx 3 lb
6. 100% wool - fine -
?unknown - dark brown - - approx 1.5 lb
7. Cotton - 14/2 wt (fine) -
Yarn Country -color turquoise - - approx 1 lb
8. Acrylic(80) / Nylon(20) -3000yds/lb -
Yarn Country-magenta - 1.12lbs
9. 100% wool - fine -
?unknown - Navy - approx 1.5 lb
10. Polyester? Acrylic blend - fingering -
?unknown - medium blue and silver - approx 1 lb
11. Acrylic/wooly wool or nylon (bit of elasticity) - sewing thread thin - ?
unknown - Dark Brown/Black - approx 1/2 lb
12 100% wool - fine -
?unknown - White - approx 1.5 lb
13 100% wool - fine -
?unknown - Black - approx 1.5 lb
14. 100% Acrylic - 2/4.5 (Worsted) -
Templon - Ginger (Orange Brown) - approx 2 lb
(Not affiliated with the Just a first time customer.)