Friday, October 28, 2005


Recycling Fiber

I came across a handmade sweater that got shrunk/semi-felted in the wash. (Not by me).
I had played with the idea that it could be steeked (cut) in the middle and converted into a cardigan. Although I thought the underarm areas were probably too thick to be comfortable. And it lacked the drape to hug a body, belling out in spots so there would be cold air sweeping up underneath. I considered taking the sleeves off and knitting a flexible cable strip along the sleeve and shoulder seams. And adding ribbing to the bottom. But I didn't have any more of this yarn.

The yarn is likely a Wendy chunky yarn. The same heather pink odd ball yarnI used on my little one's poncho. I love the heather look of this yarn and I don't like felted sweaters. So I decided to unravel the sweater instead. It took a bit of elbow grease to undo and there were fiber bits flying around everywhere. But it's now 4-5 skeins of chunky yarn.

I swatched it on US #10 needles to see what it looks like. The yarn feels comfortable, not stiff and still retains its quality. It does have various bits of felt so it doesn't look smooth in stockinette stitch. A very home grown looking fabric. I also tried it in garter stitch and I'm amazed at how much of the felt blends in so it's a good looking fabric. So I'm inspired to use this yarn with EZ's surprise baby sweater.


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