Saturday, July 02, 2005
The Short Row Heel
Yeah. I made the turn on the sock heel. Not as hard as I envisioned it. Just have to remember to wrap the yarn at the end of every short row. I learned how to do short rowing at Knitty.
It's interesting how slipping every other stitch makes a perceptively thicker fabric too. I'm just knitting one sock at a time. I think trying to knit two sock heels with DPN's on a first project is too much right now.
So I'm still waiting for my new circulars to arrive. I got antsy and tried to rig up a cord to my double pointed needles temporarily. With very disappointing results. I probably would have had better results sanding a point onto weed wacker nylon cord. Hmmm. That's an idea. Let me see if it's the same thickness...