Tuesday, July 19, 2005


A Pledge

I've joined the Six Sock KnitALong . The sock group mentioned a Summer Sock Challenge to donate to Children in Common (CIC). Since I didn't know much about this organization. I looked into it. It brought tears to my eyes to know so many orphaned children are living in such cold and poor conditions. It was also mentioned that these children could use wool vests and sweaters too.

I realize that there are many many organizations locally and internationally that can use a knitted donation. But I like the fact that this one hand delivers the knits to orphanages so they don't get lost or sold.

So, I pledge if I can get around to knitting something out of the book my Secret Pal sent me, it will be donated to CIC. Along with any toddler socks I can manage to knit within the next month or so.


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